Saturday, March 04, 2006

Fit For (A) Raja

The Nation said good-bye last week.

It was his birthday. There was no cake. Only a fond farewell and a tearful eulogy.

His friend and comrade recalled their younger days when the future seemed less than bright and the nation they were to build was just a glimmer in their mind's eye.

They had met over dinner at a swimming club. He did not say what they ate.

Fish-head curry perhaps? The founding fathers of a nation eating what was to become one of that nation's favourite dishes.

A curry fit for (a) Raja.

Here's my version of it.

Take 1 packet of fish curry paste.

Mix with water (amount according to instructions on the curry paste packet)

Add 2 sticks of lemon grass,

3 kaffir lime leaves,

2 tomatoes (quartered),

1 slice of pineapple cut into smaller pieces,

and a few chili padi.

Bring to a boil.

Add 1 salmon head, simmer.

Add 4 ladies' fingers (steamed) when the fish is almost cooked.

When the fish is done, turn off the heat.

Add 2 tablespoons of yoghurt, and salt to taste.

Serve warm with rice, and some ice-cold beer.

Drink a toast to Sinnathamby Rajaratnam, Singapore's first Foreign Minister.

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